Monday, February 9, 2015

Coming Home

I always like going on vacation, but if I'm being completely honest, I kind of love the coming home part just the tiniest bit more. Milo and I got back in town Saturday night, spent all day Sunday in a whirlwind of recovery, and today has been magical. Back to our regular routine, which beginning about 23 months ago became the only way I can function (and- 23 MONTHS?! Oh my. Make that boy slow down). I ran, we played, he napped, I cleaned, we worked, we shopped, we bathed, and it was so good to be back to it. I'm glad I like my life enough to be excited to get back to the normal. Goodness knows I needed that break, and I loved every second of that week off. I slept in every day, napped with Milo every afternoon, and we hid inside from the cold and watched the beginning race scene of cars way too many times.

The miracle of the world was that nobody sat by us on any of our 4 flights. I don't really think you can ask for a better flying experience than that. Right? Amazing.

A few things:
Milo is terrible at saying Airplane. He says "Amie!" But he loves the things.
He calls cars "mooom moooms" and makes car noises at every big truck he sees. Semi trucks are choo choos.
He loves books.
He likes to pull on me and say, "mon!" (come on) and it basically melts your heart. We play follow a lot.
When he gets in the car, he says "church?" So thankfully that hopefully means he's warming up to nursery?
He loves to dance. He brings me my phone and says "dance?" all the time so I'll turn on music.
He loves to help me cook. It's really easy to cook with an almost 2 year old ;)
Still naps like a champ. YES.
He loves corn dogs. Does it make me a failure of a mother if I feed my child corn dogs? Whatever. He eats bananas and cheese too so we're totally good.
He loves to jump and spin.
He circles his little arms so we will sing "do as I'm doing" and then he goes really fast, and really slow with shifty side eyes. I cannot contain myself when he does it. Hilarious. He also loves head shoulders knees and toes and he mostly just does squats the whole time.

Please can I never ever forget a thing?! Except for the screaming phase. I don't mind if I forget that one.

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