Thursday, August 14, 2014

I'm Ba-ack!

Ahhhh. That was just the trip I needed. A little bit of time to step away from the tornado, be with my boys and sister and her kids, and regroup. We got back today and I'm ready to hit the ground running tomorrow! I think there's a lot to be said for a good trip now and then. Usually I'm about ready to be back after 3 or 4 days, but this time, a week and a day was the perfect amount of time. I got to sort out and analyze all the important life decisions I have floating around in my head with my sister and decompress. Sister therapy man, it works miracles. And take naps, because, naps.
We did a lot of swimming, playing, and a little bit of hitting cousins but that improved significantly by the end. Milo was a dream for the trip. He slept great, ate well, and he was just cute and sweet in every way. I love that munch but sometimes I just love him extra. Watching him float around in his puddle jumper and play peek a boo under his dinosaur blanket were a couple of those times.
 I'm so glad he is getting to play with his cousins. This guy is destined to be Milo's best friend. As soon as they stop making each other cry, it will be a beautiful relationship.

I'm back and loaded with things to tell you. I know you can't wait. ;)

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